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The Organization shall be called the Interamerican Committee of Societies for Electron Microscopy (CIASEM). It shall be a regional committee of the International Federation of Societies for Electron Microscopy (IFSEM).

The legal domicile of the CIASEM shall be the business address of the President of the Committee. [In 2001, the constitution was amended. The legal domicile of CIASEM shall be in Mexico.]

The purpose of the CIASEM shall be to increase and diffuse, for scientific and educational goals, the science, practice and instrumentation of microscopy, between member societies in the American continent.

The responsibility of this committee will be:

– To hold an Interamerican Congress of Microscopy every two years.
– To sponsor regional meetings and conferences
– To sponsor publication of Acta Microscopica
– To appoint the Editor-in-Chief of Acta Microscopica
– To set up committees and other bodies
– To initiate, promote and co-ordinate exchange programs between member societies of other continents
– To participate in joint committees with other scientific bodies in matters of interest to the CIASEM.


The CIASEM shall be composed of societies representing microscopists of nations in the American continent. Individuals from nations without official societies may join the CIASEM as non-voting members.


The highest authority of the CIASEM resides in the General Assembly which is composed of delegates appointed by the member societies.

The executive committee is responsible to the General Assembly and shall participate in its deliberations.

The President shall serve as chair of the general assembly. In his absence, the Vice-President or the general secretary shall serve.

Each member society shall have two delegates and two votes in the general assembly.

The general assembly shall:
– Take action on the admission of new member societies or organizations to membership.
– Elect the President, Vice-President, General Secretary and four officers of the Executive Committee. [In 2003, it was decided to modify the constitution to have five officers of the Executive Committee.]
– Determine the site of future Interamerican Congresses.

The General Assembly shall have the power

– To amend the statutes.
– To set up committees or other bodies and to determine the terms of reference of these.
– To decide on all other questions falling within the competence of the CIASEM.


The Executive Committee shall consist of:
(a) President
(b) Vice-President
(c) General Secretary
(d) Four Committee members [Amended to five members in 2003.]
(e) Past -President

All Executive Committee members shall come from different nations, with two exceptions. The President and the General Secretary may be from the same country (but not necessarily) and the Past-President may be from the same country as another member of the Executive Committee.
[In 2001, this was amended as follows: The Executive Committee members shall be from different countries but there may be overlaps between them and the officers.]

The Executive Committee shall carry out the decisions of the general assembly During the periods between meetings of the general assembly, the Executive Committee shall have full power to carry on the business of the CIASEM. If necessary it may make ad interim arrangements in all matters assigned by the Constitution.


Amendment of the Constitution requires action at the general assembly. At least two thirds of the votes represented at the general assembly are required:

The Executive Committee may propose amendments at the general assembly or by postal ballot. Proposed amendments submitted to a postal ballot shall be accepted if two-thirds of the total number of all member organizations accept it.

During the general assembly, any member society shall have the right to propose amendments.



Each mandate shall start on the first of January following the meeting of the General Assembly. Each mandate shall cease December 31st following of the General Assembly.

All members of the Executive Committee shall be elected for a period of two years and may be re-elected for one additional term.

[In 1999, the constitution was amended: the secretary may be elected for a total of up to three consecutive (two-year) terms.]